Sunday 25 May 2014


When a lady falls in love, everything around her tends to fall with her, just like a drunk man fall to the effect of alcohol. The question is, who said he is the right one or the best for you. Am not talking about a fling, or just a flash in the path, it is far from that.

He might not be the best life and love has to offer, if you really could just take time to see and think things over rationally and not emotionally, radically and not sexually. Who says you should not expect too much or be given the best out of what love and passion offers to a woman. He sometimes toils with you and get you all worked up, but you keep saying “what can i do” or “he will change soon. Do not be deceived and never hide away from a reality staring at you, because it may catch up with you when you least expect it to.
Who told you that is the best a man can offer you, he lays his hands on you at the slightest provocation, so quick to say sorry even when he knows he is not, takes you for granted, tampers and mess with your emotion every time just because you have fallen in love, has he? If he has, don’t you think things will be different?

Take things easy and check to know if he is the best for you. Do you see such person as a father figure or just a sexy and romantic idol? Why should he give little and get so much from you, why should you stop loving you, just to love and worship him, is he GOD? Like they say we are all small gods, believe it or not.
He never thinks of you first, but you do most times and you feel he is the best life can offer you, or the best you can get. Always remember this, “you can be wrong for days, weeks and months, but never be caught on the wrong side forever, because if you are there might be no going back”.
You stay with him out of obligation, or out of been part of a supposed culture, ideology, perception or just so that your friends won’t say you can’t keep a man, who says that is a man/guy for keeps, look beyond now and gaze into the future, something better is there for you, if only you can dare to take that bold step, tell yourself the truth, find things deep into their roots, not every fruit is worth it.
Do not make the mistake of settling for less, he may not actually be the best; check out the rest so that your mind can be at rest. Listen to both your heart and brain; there is no blind love anymore.

posted by Davidblogger50 at 15:15 0 comments


When a man is satisfied sexually he sometimes thinks that is all a woman has to offer, and then he believes he has met the right one. She may not be the best life and love has for you. If only you can just take your time and see things outside your flesh and body. Before you fetch that water, why don’t you check the depth of the well it is coming from?

Beauty might not be all that you need in this journey of love, friendship and marriage. Life has something better than what you have right in front of you. Can she replace your mother, be as committed as your sister, can she manage a home without a fight, can she build destinies, these are questions you need to ask yourself before you settle for less.
As a man look beyond the hips and sexy lips, they are not part of the recipe to make a great meal that will leave an everlasting satisfaction in your life. Is she just out to get from you without returning anything good to you apart from sex and you say she is the best for you.
Don’t you know she should be like a mirror that reflects the qualities and abilities you possess outside the bed, does she challenge you intellectually, spiritually, economically, financially, socially and so on? If no, then she might not be the right one for you. If you want her for keeps then you need the best life has to give?
Staying with her just because she wows you and amazes your friends with her beauty and sexiness is a delay of future pain, shame and frustration. Who says a man doesn’t love or who says she need not be your friend to make things work.

 Not everything in skirt is worth your time, money and love, you deserve more than that. You say she is the best one and she has never told you NO. Haven’t you thought of it, maybe she is just a robot programmed to do as you say, as if life and love is a make believe.
There is something better for you, if only you can sit and take time to think deep, do you want more than you are getting, then do something If she can’t bring the best out of you then you still have so much work to do. You may say what will my friends say, or a bird in hand is better than thousands of birds in the bush, but what if that bird in your hand is not  worth it, or you just can’t eat it. Think about that.
Really, she might not be the right one for you. This is not your father talking but your brain.
posted by Davidblogger50 at 14:56 0 comments

Friday 23 May 2014

The Woman Behind The Walls

                   The Woman Behind The Walls.

  Her heart bleeds, her soul weeps and the smile on her face is gradually fading away. The society has taken away her innocence; her mind is being invaded and degraded. Her dreams are stolen and killed right before her eyes, the price left to pay is that of fate, if it is the only thing left for her to face.
No one wants to look beyond what she carries outside, the people around her judge her by how she looks and how much she can please some selfish mortals. So many barriers to cross, many hurdles to jump, many truth to face and so many pains to harbour inside. Her story starts not today, but right from the very day her identity was revealed to the crazy world to see. Her society sees no reason to show her respect and love, the environment just glorifies her sexuality as if that is the only thing she carries.
Right there behind those walls lies strength, love, a good heart, a leader, a real and natural soldier and a giver of everything that means something. Who really is to blame, because she never predetermined to be who she is, neither can she question nature but she also must fight for her future. Her religion most times places a block in her way, it pushes her down the chain or ladder of relevance, her right is taken from her right from the day she took her first breath. Is that not the height of pain and cruelty?
At the other end, the society is waiting patiently to exploit her for her beauty, for her loving nature, her sweet heart and her womanly body. They never see what she carries up there in her huge brain, they never take time to understand where she is coming from and the challenges that the environment throws in her way. Her thought is even translated and interpreted before it finds expression, even in depression they wait for her to always satisfy the selfish and wicked society she finds herself.

Who really is this woman, what part of the globe is she, because she must be facing a lot. Right beyond those mirage and camouflage of smiles and laughter she wallows in pain, shame, regrets, wishes, a need for a voice and a right to be free from deep within. Never should her steps be subjected to the scrutiny of her society, religion, cultural background and environment. Never should her emotions and dreams be at the mercy of some group of people. Yes I said it, quote me and probe me, but the truth is this African woman/girl, this Nigerian woman/girl must be set free from the shackles of history, culture, religion and gender oppression.

posted by Davidblogger50 at 23:33 0 comments

Thursday 15 May 2014

30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Horrible

30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Horrible.

  While I like to think I know a little about business writing, I often fall into a few word traps. For example, “who” and “whom.” I rarely use “whom” when I should. Even when spell check suggests “whom,” I think it sounds pretentious. So I don’t use it.
And I’m sure some people then think, “What a bozo.”
And that’s a problem, because just like that one misspelled word that gets a resumé tossed into the “nope” pile, using one wrong word can negatively impact your entire message.
Fair or unfair, it happens.
So let’s make sure it doesn’t:
Adverse and averse

Adverse means harmful or unfavorable; “Adverse market conditions caused the IPO to be poorly subscribed.” Averse means dislike or opposition; “I was averse to paying $18 a share for a company that generates no revenue.”
But you can feel free to have an aversion to adverse conditions.

Affect and effect

Verbs first. Affect means to influence; “Impatient investors affected our roll-out date.” Effectmeans to accomplish something; “The board effected a sweeping policy change.” How you use effect or affect can be tricky. For example, a board can affect changes by influencing them, or can effect changes by implementing them. Use effect if you’re making it happen, and affect if you’re having an impact on something someone else is trying to make happen.
As for nouns, effect is almost always correct; “Once he was fired he was given twenty minutes to gather his personal effects.” Affect refers to emotional states so unless you’re a psychologist, you’re probably not using it.

Compliment and complement

Compliment is to say something nice. Complement is to add to, enhance, improve, complete, or bring close to perfection. So, I can compliment your staff and their service, but if you have no current openings you have a full complement of staff. And your new app may complement your website.
For which I may decide to compliment you.

Criteria and criterion

“We made the decision based on one overriding criteria,” sounds pretty impressive but is wrong.
Remember: one criterion, two or more criteria. Although you could always use “reason” or “factors” and not worry about getting it wrong.

Discreet and discrete

Discreet means careful, cautious, showing good judgment; “We made discreet inquiries to determine whether the founder was interested in selling her company.”
Discrete means individual, separate, or distinct; “We analyzed data from a number of discrete market segments to determine overall pricing levels.” And if you get confused, remember you don’t use “discreetion” to work through sensitive issues; you exercise discretion.

Elicit and illicit

Elicit means to draw out or coax. Think of elicit as the mildest form of extract or, even worse, extort. So if one lucky survey respondent will win a trip to the Bahamas, the prize is designed to elicit responses.
Illicit means illegal or unlawful. I suppose you could “illicit” a response at gunpoint… but best not.

Farther and further

Farther involves a physical distance; “Florida is farther from New York than Tennessee.”Further involves a figurative distance; “We can take our business plan no further.” So, as we say in the South, “I don’t trust you any farther than I can throw you.” Or, “I ain’t gonna trust you no further.”
(Seriously. I’ve uttered both of those sentences. More than once.)

Imply and infer

The speaker or writer implies. The listener or reader infers. Imply means to suggest, while infer means to deduce (whether correctly or not.) So, I might imply you’re going to receive a raise. You might infer that a pay increase is imminent. (But not eminent unless the raise will be prominent and distinguished.)

Insure and ensure

This one’s easy. Insure refers to insurance. Ensure means to make sure. So if you promise an order will ship on time, ensure it actually happens. Unless, of course, you plan to arrange for compensation if the package is damaged or lost–then feel free to insure away.

Number and amount

I goof these up all the time. Use number when you can count what you refer to; “The number of subscribers who opted out increased last month.” Amount refers to a quantity of something you can’t count; “The amount of alcohol consumed at our last company picnic was staggering.”
Of course it can still be confusing: “I can’t believe the number of beers I drank,” is correct, but so is, “I can’t believe the amount of beer I drank.” The difference is I can count beers, but beer, especially if I was way too drunk to keep track, is an uncountable total–soamount is the correct usage.

Precede and proceed

Precede means to come before. Proceed means to begin or continue. Where it gets confusing is when an “ing” comes into play. “The proceeding announcement was brought to you by…” sounds fine, but “preceding” is correct since the announcement came before.
If it helps, think precedence: Anything that takes precedence is more important and therefore comes first.

Principal and principle

A principle is a fundamental; “We’ve created a culture where we all share certain principles.” Principal means primary or of first importance; “Our startup’s principal is located in NYC.” (Sometimes you’ll also see the plural, “principals,” used to refer to executives or (relatively) co-equals at the top of a particular food chain.)
Principal can also refer to the most important item in a particular set; “Our principal account makes up 60 percent of our gross revenues.”
Principal can also refer to money, normally the original sum that was borrowed, but can be extended to refer to the amount you owe–hence principal and interest.
If you’re referring to laws, rules, guidelines, ethics, etc, use principle. If you’re referring to the CEO or the president (or the individual in charge of the high school), use principal. And now for those dreaded apostrophes:

It’s and its

It’s is the contraction of it is. That means it’s doesn’t own anything. If your dog is neutered (that way we make the dog, however much against his will, gender neutral) you don’t say, “It’s collar is blue.” You say, “Its collar is blue.” Here’s an easy test to apply. Whenever you use an apostrophe, un-contract the word to see how it sounds. In this case, turn it’s into it is. “It’s sunny,” becomes, “It is sunny.” Sounds good to me.

They’re and their

Same with these; they’re is the contraction for they are. Again, the apostrophe doesn’t own anything. We’re going to their house, and I sure hope they’re home.

Who’s and whose

“Whose password hasn’t been changed in six months?” is correct. “Who is (the un-contracted version of who’s) password hasn’t been changed in six months?” sounds silly.

You’re and your

One more. You’re is the contraction for you are. Your means you own it; the apostrophe inyou’re doesn’t own anything. For a long time a local non-profit had a huge sign that said “You’re Community Place.”
Hmm. “You Are Community Place”?

posted by Davidblogger50 at 14:06 0 comments

Tuesday 13 May 2014

25 Foods that Banish Bloat

            25 Foods that Banish Bloat.

  1. Bananas
They may feel heavy, but bananas do not make you gain weight. Quite the opposite: They're loaded with filling fiber and potassium, which helps relieve water retention.

2. Cantaloupe This orange melon is full of anti-bloating potassium, low in calories, and has a high water content, so you can get away with eating a lot of it.

3. Leafy greens
Some veggies, such as Brussels sprouts, are filled with important nutrients, but nonetheless make you bloat. Leafy greens, like kale, spinach, and lettuce, do no such thing. They're all super-low-cal, loaded with fiber, and help ease water retention.

4. Olive oil
Though it's not scientifically confirmed, there's some evidence that small amounts of olive oil may help reduce belly fat. That's because it contains a chemical called oleic acid, which helps break down fat in the body.

5. Grainy bread
You already know to stay away from processed white bread--all its sugars cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then plummet, leaving you hungry again fast. But whole-grain bread is packed with fiber, which stabilizes blood sugar levels to keep you full.

6. Artichokes
A medium-size one has 7 grams of fiber--almost 30 percent of your recommended daily allowance--to help your digestive system chug along properly.

7. Avocados
These guac stars are filled with healthy, filling monounsaturated fat. Spread on whole-wheat bread for avocado toast, or slice up half an avocado and mix it into any salad.

8. Brown rice
A complex carb, brown rice takes a long time to digest, helping to keep you full. Cook with it and swap it in for white rice on sushi or in Chinese takeout.

9. Lentils

Consider lentils the ultimate tummy-trimming trifecta--they're packed with protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, all of which help slim you.

10. Kimchi
This Korean staple is a prime example of a fermented food--others include sauerkraut, pickles, and tempeh--meaning it's filled with probiotics to help boost good, digestive-tract-healing gut bacteria.

11. Oatmeal
The secret ingredient? Fiber, which helps keep you full without puffing you out. Sprinkle on cinnamon and breakfast is served.

12. Probiotic yogurt
It's filled with good bacteria that help promote gut health and make your digestive tract run more smoothly. As a result, you'll be less prone to gas and bloating.

13. Fatty fish
Those like salmon and mackerel are packed with healthy, filling omega-3 fatty acids, which are structural fats, not storage fats, so they're less likely to be stored in a layer of belly fat.

14. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor and the pounds away. A recent study found that noshing on an apple before a meal may help you eat less later, thanks to its filling fiber.

15. Cucumbers
These crunchy veggies have few calories and are natural diuretics, meaning they help flush out excess water weight.

16. Tomatoes
These super-low-cal fruits are rich in potassium, which helps rid your body of belly-bloating sodium. Plus, they've been found to reverse leptin resistance. Since leptin helps regulate your appetite, it's important for your waistline that your body produces adequate amounts.

17. Berries
Hello, summer! Berries are full of fiber and antioxidants, plus they're low-cal. Eat them solo or use them as a topping for yogurt or cereal.

18. Celery
Since it's packed with water, celery helps your body flush out extra liquids, which makes your stomach appear flatter.

19. Asparagus
These stalks contain potassium, which helps remove excess fluids from your body. Eat them raw or sprinkle with salt, pepper, and olive oil and toss them on the grill.

20. Eggplant
This veggie is very low in sodium and high in water, so it helps fight bloat.

21. Watermelon
This red fruit is packed with water, so you can eat tons of it. And what's more refreshing at the end of a summer barbecue?

22. Almonds
Almonds are loaded with protein, making them a great afternoon snack. Just be sure to stick with the natural kind, and limit yourself to a one-ounce serving (about a shot-glass worth).

23. Eggs
All the latest science shows that having two eggs for breakfast can help you eat less throughout the day. That's because they're filled with protein, which wards off the urge to nosh.

24. Shrimp
Like eggs, shrimp are packed with keep-you-full protein. The shellfish is also super-low-cal, so you can eat up until you're satisfied.

25. Lemon water
It sounds almost too obvious, but seriously, water works. Hydration flushes excess sodium from your body to flatten your stomach and lemon soothes your digestive system, which helps you banish bloat for good.
posted by Davidblogger50 at 15:07 0 comments

Monday 12 May 2014

Study lists dangerous chemicals linked to breast cancer

Study lists dangerous chemicals linked to breast cancer.

 Certain chemicals that are common in everyday life have been shown to cause breast cancer in lab rats and are likely to do the same in women, US researchers said Monday.

The paper in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives lists 17 chemicals to avoid and offers women advice on how to minimize their exposure.
They include chemicals in gasoline, diesel and other vehicle exhaust, flame retardants, stain-resistant textiles, paint removers, and disinfection byproducts in drinking water.
"The study provides a road map for breast cancer prevention by identifying high-priority chemicals that women are most commonly exposed to and demonstrates how to measure exposure," said study author Ruthann Rudel, research director of the Silent Spring Institute.
"This information will guide efforts to reduce exposure to chemicals linked to breast cancer, and help researchers study how women are being affected," she said.
Some of the biggest sources of mammary carcinogens in the environment are benzene and butadiene, which can come from vehicle exhaust, lawn equipment, tobacco smoke and charred food.
Other concerns are cleaning solvents like methylene chloride, pharmaceuticals used in hormone replacement therapy, some flame retardants, chemicals in stain-resistant textiles and nonstick coatings, and styrene which comes from tobacco smoke and is also used to make Styrofoam, the study said.
Carcinogens can also be found in drinking water, researchers said.
- Every woman exposed -
"Every woman in America has been exposed to chemicals that may increase her risk of getting breast cancer," said co-author Julia Brody.
"Unfortunately, the link between toxic chemicals and breast cancer has largely been ignored. Reducing chemical exposures could save many, many women's lives."
Brody described the paper as the first to comprehensively list potential breast carcinogens and detail ways for experts to measure them in women's blood and urine.
The study also recommends seven ways for women to avoid these chemicals:
- Limit exposure to exhaust from vehicles or generators, don't idle your car, and use electric lawn mowers, leaf blowers and weed whackers instead of gas-powered ones.
- Use a ventilation fan while cooking and limit how much burned or charred food you eat.
- Do not buy furniture with polyurethane foam, or ask for furniture that has not been treated with flame retardants.
- Avoid stain-resistant rugs, furniture and fabrics.
- If you use a dry-cleaner, find one who does not use PERC (perchloroethylene) or other solvents. Ask for "wet cleaning."
- Use a solid carbon block drinking water filter.
- Keep chemicals out of the house by taking off your shoes at the door, using a vacuum with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter, and cleaning with wet rags and mops.
The research was funded by the Avon Foundation. The Silent Spring Institute is a 20-year-old organization made up of scientists who focus on the environment and women's health.
It is named after the best selling environmental book "The Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson, who died of breast cancer in 1964, two years after the book was published.
posted by Davidblogger50 at 13:33 0 comments

7 Lies Wives Tell Their Husbands

7 Lies Wives Tell Their Husbands.

   Your Internet history isn't the only dirty little secret in your relationship. In a study from Texas A&M University, people admitted to misleading their partner a third of the time. When they got hitched, that number dropped to 1 in 10--but still, that means the woman you exchanged vows with could be deceiving you on a near-daily basis. "Women weigh the pros and cons of honesty versus lying," says Susan Shapiro Barash, author of Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie. "Often they find that white lies serve them more than the truth."

A wife's dishonesty may come from a place of compassion, or may just be an attempt to please or placate you. But, the truth is, no one wants to share a bed with Pinocchio. So when should your B.S. detector sound? Listen for these seven common catchphrases--and prepare to call her bluff.

1. "This dress was on sale."
It wasn't. In your wife's mind, saving money ("It was half off!") negates spending it--and therefore reduces the odds that you'll blow up at her about blowing the budget. "This is often taught by the mother: Always downplay. Never reveal how much something really cost," says Barash. And her need to protect her image may overpower her desire for honesty. "We think a man will judge us for our spending habits, and that he'll think we're silly or frivolous," says DeAnne Lorraine, a Los Angeles-based dating coach. "We don't want him to think we're a liability."

2. "You have the biggest penis I've ever seen."

You don't. This is what psychologists call an "altruistic lie"--an untruthful compliment designed to shield you from embarrassment. "Most women have one ex-boyfriend that was enormous," says Lorraine. "But among the rest, there were only miniscule differences. So why not tell this guy he's the biggest?" Read: Unless you're packing some serious sausage, you probably aren't top dog. But you're so similar to the others that she can convince herself you've got a quarter inch more to offer. "It's not like it really matters to us, but it matters to men," says Lorraine. "So we'll stroke their egos."

3. "I've only slept with two men."

More like four. Most women can spout off their past partners' names as quickly as you can your fantasy-league roster. So, no, a few guys from college don't just accidentally get lost in the shuffle. "Women always minimize how many sexual partners they've had, mostly because they want to seem pristine," says Barash. By Lorraine's estimates, doubling her number will give you a more accurate picture of her past. "Women will say, 'That one didn't count,' because it only lasted a few minutes, they were really drunk, or never saw the guy again, even though it really was sex," she says.

4. "I don't want anything for our anniversary."
Yeah, and you don't really want to win the lottery. "We're saying what we think our partner wants to hear," says Barash. "But then the resentment builds." Translation: Your wife may scoff at the idea of a gift, but still expects you to surprise her with a dozen roses and the purse she's been lusting after. "We don't want to seem needy or demanding," says Lorraine. "It's silly, but we want our partner to read our minds. We assume he's intuitive enough to know we do want a gift."
5. "I'm in no hurry to have kids."
Guess again. Maybe she's not gunning to get pregnant ASAP, but somewhere in her brain, there's a clock counting down. "Women know men don't like to be rushed--that if we try to push them, they're just going to be turned off," says Lorraine. "So we act like we're cool, like our biological clocks aren't ticking. But, really, once we hit a certain age, we're freaking out inside, worrying our eggs are expiring soon." Even if your wife is only 25, she still has a timeline in mind, no matter how "go with the flow" she seems.

6. "I'm totally cool with your poker nights."
Not always. Your guys' nights may give her permission to binge-watch Scandal, but she won't be so receptive if you hold one every weekend. "It's in a woman's biological nature to want a committed partner, and to want to be around him a lot," says Lorraine. Problem is, women know men relish their freedom--and that commandeering every night of your week can push you away. "No woman wants to seem needy," says Barash. "So she won't be totally honest about her feelings toward your commitments, or what she expects from you time-wise."

7. "I wouldn't change anything about you."
She totally would. If your wife sounds like a Hallmark card, she probably is genuinely expressing her love--just with a little exaggeration. "When it comes to the big picture, women will rarely rock the boat, especially in a committed relationship," says Barash. "But the fact is, she wishes you'd lose 10 pounds, maybe 20, had a different job, or weren't so cheap." But according to her mental calculations, she has more to gain by keeping her mouth shut--and the relationship happy--than by complaining.
posted by Davidblogger50 at 12:35 0 comments


                      CRAZY TOUCH OF FATE.      

The day began with a bright and friendly atmosphere, nature wakes up and smiles at everyone around it. As the day dragged on, like an aged man on his sticks, the atmosphere changes face by bringing down some heat on everything under it.
In the mist of the hot and steamy sun comes a beautiful and happy butterfly, it thought the bright and sunny day was good enough to take some sun bath. The butterfly is so colour that the light rays magnifies its wonder to anyone ready to behold it. So oblivious to what was going on around it, so carried away by its own beauty, it swayed on like a tired bird. It kept flying and searching for a complementing flower to perch on. With utmost care it looked round and didn’t care if anyone was watching, either in admiration or total aspiration. At last it spotted a good looking flower, the flower looked as flawless as it looked (butterfly); with joy it perched and relaxed, ready to bask in the euphoria of the burning and energizing sun.

It stayed on with no single drop of fear, not minding if there might be an enemy around the corner. If the butterfly knew that there was evil everywhere it would have stayed somewhere quietly and live an unnoticeable life. Just around the corner sat a very angry, hungry and ugly bird, this bird has no resemblance with the butterfly. It spotted the butterfly and something erupted deep inside its belly. In total awareness and patience it waits and prays, thanking nature for bringing food its way.

How beautiful the food looks or appears matters less, the most important thing is for its belly to be filled. Seeing the butterfly the bird believed its prayers have just been answered. In happiness it watched on and tried hard to hide every bit of joy inside its famished stomach. The hunger has blinded the bird from seeing any reason why this colourful, harmless and innocent epitome of wonder shouldn’t perish.
Even money couldn’t have saved the butterfly from not dying, so the bird sees it. Nothing could convince it otherwise. In ignorance and liberality this beautiful creature of nature gets lost in the warm embrace of the hot and sunny day. It never knew something was brewing somewhere; all that mattered at that point was the wonderful feeling at its immediate reach.

Every second the butterfly flapped its wings, as if it owned the length and breadth of the forest. At this time, the ugly bird could not wait any longer, the hunger inside it pushed it around like a slave; now the bird is airborne, and gliding in secrecy and total deception.
The bird kept on, wishing the butterfly will remain in that state of pride and confidence, it is getting closer, minute turning in to seconds and joy at sight. The heart of the bird begins to beat faster, claws ready to tear apart, while the beak is ready to perk and stab the living day out of the beautiful butterfly. Even butterflies also pray for protection from the gods of nature, or what will the defenseless do in such a hostile environment.

Just as the bird was about to sweep away the butterfly like a whirlwind, suddenly with no notice, or cloudy sky, rain poured down effortless. With so much force, within a split second the table was turned. The butterfly took off not as a reason of the fear of the bird approaching, but at the wetness that comes with such a heavy down pour. The bird out of frustration and disappointment changed its direction at the touch of a heavy stroke of water. It looked up and cursed nature, in its heart.
The butterfly just moved in ignorance of the favour nature just did it; quietly it looked for a place to shelter from the madness of rainfall. Everything around it looked so normal and good. Isn’t life a funny piece of drama and complexity, what unknowingly favours one, disfavours the other.

posted by Davidblogger50 at 11:50 0 comments