Monday 12 May 2014


                                                 HOW TO MANAGE STRESS AT WORK.

Stress is a result of accumulated pressure, tension, fatigue, anxiety, apprehension and fear. Every day we all go through one stress or the other, it could be emotional, mental, physical, psychological, social, financial, One thing that remains constant is, stress is inevitable but highly manageable. It can be controlled and put on a level that will not lead to serious complications. So just key into these tips and deal with that stress.
2.       Understand yourself, know how you were made or build mentally, emotionally and psychologically. Are you someone that cracks at the sight of pressure or maybe you are the type that performs under pressure. When you know your kind of person, so try to work according to how it works best for you. With this you are able to manage stress better.
3.       Do not try to achieve so much at a little time or at one time. Take one step at a time; put everything you want to do under a well guided and structured plan.
4.       Avoid accumulating work or procrastination. Pile up work puts you under unnecessary pressure which might lead to stress. Do what you have to do at the time that you should do it.
5.       Find and put to use the easiest way out to do a particular task. As long as the way or method doesn’t compromise on quality and accuracy. It is better to you the easiest way to solve the hardest task.
6.       Work on your body and mind. Engage in quality exercise, eat healthy, reshape and refocus your mind.
7.       Learn to socialize, hang out and be around people that makes you forget about work. Don’t be too rigid and extremely serious to give a smile.
8.       Stop to catch your breath in between, come back to earth and refill your mind with positive thoughts
9.       Never use your break, relaxation or vacation time to work. See the break like a time to sleep, read, listen to music, take a nap, and have a chat that is totally outside work. This helps to defuse the tension of stress.
10.   Always try to finish and end the day’s work that very day. Don’t form the habit of transferring work through the day. This helps to relax your mind for other thoughts and activities.
11.   Do not use anything addictive to fight or manage stress. It may boomerang and cause more problem to your body and mind. So just take things easy and slow.
posted by Davidblogger50 at 11:25


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