Tuesday 15 April 2014


                                                     THE POWER IN THE EYES. 

Look me less in the eyes, because what they carry are strong enough to melt a huge iceberg of strength and believe. Stay away from my firing and daring gaze, instead guard your loins of trust, keep your gaze for the sake of tomorrow, look away from the deluge of passion, pity and love that flows from those deceptive eyes.
Like a decoy it is going to lead you into a snare of pain, regrets and wishes.

 Know that the answers you are looking for is no where near those balls of humanity, though they roll in unity giving vision to the body, but they are just a big camouflage of deceit and blackmail. Flee, so your conscience is not turned against you, grow a thick skin of resistance, keep your distance and never give those beautiful eyes any chance.

The more you look, the more you fall deep into the hands of foolishness, enchantment and a big emptiness. The man’s eyes rolls like a dice in the hand of a dangerous gambler, it depicts nothing close to the reality of the heart at most times, mortals use it like a thief uses a gun to rob you of your dignity, trust , joy and happiness. Every look and expression through the eyes of a man may not give you the clue to the truth; that is a bitter fruit to chew.

posted by Davidblogger50 at 23:54


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