Monday, 3 March 2014


                                                                          STEPS TO TACKLE BAD HABITS.

There are certain things, life style or activities that gradually and playfully has become a big and strong habit. You just discover that it is so hard to stop and most times tend to control you. 

1.       Try as much as possible to avoid self-denial, which is the very first and important step. Face it fair and square; do not let it hide in the air of denial. Come to terms with the reality before you, no matter how ugly it may appear. The more you tell yourself the truth, the faster you try to come out of that thick shell of delusion and illusion.
2.       Identify the nature of the habit, is it psychological, mental, environmental, societal and so on. When you are able to put it in the right niche or box, then you are able to deal with accordingly. It is crucial to give the habit a face, know what it looks like and from where it is coming from.
3.       Treat it like a human being, though it may sound absurd but that is the truth. Give it the attention you will give to your friend, only that this one is a bad friend. Communicate with it, inter/intra. Give it time and present your side of the case to it. Like a friend, look it in the eyes.
4.       Do not expect a quick fix; let your expectation not be over board, because it may lead to serious disappointment and setback. Take every day gradually, like a wet clothe dries gradually, so is that habit. Be as reasonable as possible with your target.
5.       Bring that habit out of secrecy, talk about it, and tell someone you can trust about how you feel. The more you communicate about it, the more strength you build and acquire to fight it. The truth is a little exposure of it gets it weak and it loses that small god status in your mind.
6.       Do not use something that may plunge you into another form of habit to kill or cure one habit. In trying to run from a habit you may innocently run into another. Try as much as possible to deal with that lifestyle with caution and precision. Like taking to drinking to cure excessive eating. So care must be taken.
7.       Set up a well-structured goal and plan. Lay down some very feasible and achievable guide. Know that this habit has taken a different shape; it has been a way of life. To break it off you need to plan and follow every step with utmost seriousness. It is just like trying to capture a terrorist.
8.       Introduce a change to your daily activity or life style. Try to do or engage in another thing outside what you normally do. This means you are gradually breaking off from those things that facilitates or encourage your habit. If your habit is as a result of the company you keep, friends you roll with, the relationship you are in or some certain things you do generally. Then you need to reduce and eventually terminate your direct contact with them. It may seem hard at first, but with time your body will adjust.
9.       Prepare your mind from some serious pressure and tension. During the process of trying to break or stop this habit, that is when your mind and body faces the toughest battle, stress, frustration and fear. Mostly fear of the unknown. This is due to the resistance and reluctance to change. It is expected and natural, so know how to deal with it. Equip your mind by not letting those strong vibes of resistance, discouragement and fear to get through.
10.   Seek help from professionals, look for a success story of the same habit and key yourself to its modalities and steps. Talk to someone you know can help you, read extensively on the issue. Materials like journals, books and articles.
11.   Do not give up in case you suffer from a relapse. It may happen, but it does not mean you should surrender or give up on yourself.
12.   If you believe in the spiritual, you can always seek God for assistance and support. Breaking a habit is not just a flash in the path. It is something that must be attended to with every form of seriousness.
13.   Take control of your thought pattern. Let your mind do some positive thinking, engage it in very productive thoughts, because the battle between winning and losing against that habit takes place in the mind. Take charge and do not let your mind be subjected to pressures from your environment, friends etc.
14.   Approach it in a subtle way, like nothing is happening, let life go on in the process, do not make it a pivot of your daily life. Act as if you are not up to something.
15.   Be as positive as possible, at all times. No matter how it appears, positivity works magic. Things may still remain the same; just wear that spirit and mind of a positive attitude.
16.   Build on your success, regardless of how small it is. Know that stopping that habit is left to you. So make up your mind .
posted by Davidblogger50 at 03:30


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