Friday 21 February 2014

We Are All Gulity.

                                    We Are All Gulity.

  We all are guilty; no one is clean when it comes to this. Like a park of cards we fall victim every day to the same mistakes, weakness and excuse. To feel good you point accusing fingers at the next person, leaving yourself out of it.

Here there is no saint, we all have been stained by the things we do, if you think you are as white as snow, i oblige you to cast the first stone. I look round searching for a way out, but all route and road that leads to vindication and elevation has been blocked, no mortal can pass this test.

Immediately you took your first breath, instantly you’ve been found guilty, you ask guilty of what? And i say, leave that for another day. A mother gives all to her child, but she is still accused and found guilty, if the nation is guilty can the people that make up the nation be innocent or free from this huge sin and mistake.

How i wish i was born into this family, nation, continent, race and society, but the more you wish, the deeper you fall into the well of guilt and frustration.

I think we all need a good lawyer to defend us and prove our innocence, but come to think of it, isn’t the lawyer a mortal to,it is the same blood that flows through our veins. Can the guilty try to prove or vindicate the guilty.

There is confusion everywhere, no hope anywhere, all we can do is to beat our guilty hearts black and blue, some even say they don’t have a clue, so what do we do?

Just know that you as guilty as i am, if a baby that just took its first breath can be found guilty, how much you that have taken thousands of carnal and careless breathe, please give me a break. I know all seem and sound crazy, that is because your mind is lazy, it is not ready to search for the answers to these questions. He stands before a large crowd, prophesying and assuring the people, but right there inside the supposed holy soul, guilt is all that flows.

We all are guilty, believe it or not, but the earlier you start appreciating this cold reality, the better for you and i.

posted by Davidblogger50 at 05:41


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