Wednesday, 19 February 2014
How To Quit Smoking Gradually
How To Quit Smoking Gradually.
Smoking is a spirit, once it has found its way into your life, then it could take some spiritual,psychological and mental battle to fight it and defeat it.
You need to get your psyche ready because, it is going to be tough battle, but don't be scared you will come out victorious.
2-- Avoid every form of idleness, restlessness, depression and loneliness all these predisposes you to engage in smoking, just in order to avoid such situations, try to find something to do, activities like sports, reading, walking, jogging, and so on.
These helps distract your attention, it makes you loose consciousness of wanting to smoke.
The lesser time you have to think about smoking the quicker you are able to stop it.
3-- Take a very bold step, by trying to stay away from most of your friends that smokes. They can not help you quit smoking, the more time you spend with them, the harder and more difficult it is to quit. Change the company of friends you keep, friends who don't smoke or those who have successfully quit the habit. This helps kill smoking totally, because you become so motivated and reassured that there is a solution at sight.
4-- Talk to someone about it,it could be someone who used to smoke but has stopped, a very close friend who doesn't smoke, a professional, or your spiritual leader. Just try to share your feelings with someone, the more you talk about it, the wider exposure the bad habit gets. Don't you know that bad habits thrives in secrecy. The more you talk about it the easier getting rid of it is.
5-- Do not rush the process, take every progress you are making step by step, maybe you used to smoke a packet in two days, and you discover you smoke a pack in a day, that is the progress am talking about. This means that the number of sticks you smoke per day is gradually reducing, just build on that.
6-- Change your life style, maybe there is a spot or bar you normally go to, which gives or brings the desire to smoke, then you need to stop or reduce your going there, do you always walk with lighters, cigarette pack e.t.c. Any thing that would arouse that orgy should be dropped, instead of been in this compromising places why don't you choose a better, life style, like learning to relax with video games, reading, hanging out with friends who don't smoke, taking a walk with your family could also help.. Just make sure your mind is engage with positive things.
7-- Always avoid a "RELAPSE", every relapse plunges you deeper into the habit, which makes it harder for you to stop it. Every progress, every success and every achievement in your quest to stop smoking must not be ignored. The more you work and try to stop it, the harder it seems sometimes.
It could be so bad that you might not see any improvement, do not despair, keep pushing, before you know it, you are out of it even without you noticing. You just discover that days,weeks,months and years goes by without you taking a stick of death. "CIGARETTE".
8-- Last but not the least, pray to what ever you believe in, don't panic, never be anxious, stay focused, stick to your plan, be easy on yourself, never think it is impossible to quit, always remember that it is a gradual process.
The more sticks you take the shorter your days are on earth, it the truth and a fact that can never be denied.
Smoking kills gradually, it destroys the liver, kidneys and your red blood cells, which reduces the level of erythrocyte in your blood and this pre- disposes you to suffering from Cardiac, chest and heart diseases.
posted by Davidblogger50 at 07:43
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