Tuesday 18 February 2014

How to leave a positive/lasting 1st impression

How to leave a positive/lasting 1st impression.

   1------ Endeavour to always look as simple and presentable as possible, don't be caught in a shabby or untidy dress, be as clean as possible, like we know a dirty place repels..

2----- Always wear an infectious and genuine smile, try to lighten up in public, don't look to serious , angry, annoyed or irritated.

3------ When meeting someone for the first time, try to look into the persons eyes, in a very polite and formal way.

4----- Don't get too informal at the first meeting, because you could say something that can be misconstrued and seen as been rude or indecent.

5------ Be sincere with your comments and compliments, never sound sarcastic, and never mock anyone you meet.

6---- Never try to impress anyone, be yourself and be as comfortable as possible.

7----Its better to stay quiet than talk when you know nothing about what you've just said.

8----Be respectful, courteous, be ready to listen, try not to lie, don't exhibit arrogance, it reples a hand of friendship, don't settle for less, stand on what you believe in, don't look or appear lost in your own thought and work on your confidence..

9------ Always adhere to basic social/ public etiquette, which are.....
.... Don't chew gum in a formal gathering
----Avoiding hissing/ sighing in public
----Never fart in public
----When you cough/ sneeze excuse yourself and cover your mouth/ nose with a clean handkerchief.
----Try not to shake someone with your left hand
----As a lady learn to sit properly in public.
----Don't be a snub.
----Learn to use these words as often as possible (EXCUSE ME &PLEASE)
----Don't appear to be too argumentative or contentious, this could leave a damaging 1st impression.
----Give your opinion when talking don't impose it, that could be very irritating.

With all these clues i believe you are just a step away form creating that lasting 1st impression.......

posted by Davidblogger50 at 09:51


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