Wednesday 18 June 2014

Why You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water in the Morning.

        Why You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water in the Morning.


Helps Detox


 Lemon water is a natural diuretic, which means it helps your body flush liquid and toxins along with it. The citric acid can also help maximize enzymes which stimulates the liver.

It's an Energizer.

 Though I hesitate to even consider giving up my morning coffee, many people swear they can easily give it up after a few days of lemon water. The combination of water and lemon helps to hydrate and oxygenate the blood, leaving you feeling great! 


Keeps Skin Beautiful.

Chronic dehydration can leave skin looking dull, so start your day on the right foot with lemon water. Vitamin C plays a critical role in maintaining healthy skin and the antioxidants can combat aging factors. 



posted by Davidblogger50 at 23:20


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