Sunday 28 December 2014

5 Common Baby Tummy Troubles — and How to Help

5 Common Baby Tummy Troubles — and How to Help..

  Baby’s got some tummy troubles? Read on to spot the worst of ‘em and learn how you can get rid of the aches and pains ASAP.
Gas Pain
What it is: Air can get into baby’s belly and, as he’s digesting, get stuck. “Think of it like a balloon of air in the intestines,” says Cheryl Wu, MD, a pediatrician at LaGuardia Place Pediatrics in New York City. “It causes pressure, which can be painful.”
Why it’s an issue: Doctors aren’t 100 percent sure why babies are so prone to gas, says Wu. It might have to do with their immature GI tracts. (Remember those first black meconium poops in the hospital? That was the first time baby pooped. Ever. His body’s still figuring out how to do it right.) Gas is totally natural — it gets produced by the normal bacteria that live in baby’s gut. Crying, fussing and bottle-feeding can all put extra air bubbles there too.
Spot it: If baby has gas pain, his belly might look inflated, or he might be arching his back or squirming a lot because he’s uncomfortable. He’s probably fussy, too, which can make the gas even worse, because while he’s crying, he could swallow a bunch of air. Usually, gas pain is at its worst when baby’s about six to eight weeks old.
How to help: There are some things you can do to get the gas out. (Yeah, seriously, we’re telling you to help baby fart.) Lay him down and gently bicycle his legs forward and backward, and try pushing his knees to his chest, repeating several times. “I like to sit a baby on my lap facing away from me with his legs crossed and his back against me,” says Wu. “Then I pull his legs toward him.” If that doesn’t help, you can try infant simethicone drops, which are available over the counter — they work for some babies, but not for others, and they’re completely safe. If your doc gives you the go-ahead, a glycerin suppository could help too. (Nope, it doesn’t hurt baby.)
Know that gas pains are completely normal and aren’t usually cause for medical concern. Soon, baby will outgrow getting them so badly.
Related: 6 No-Stress Tips For Eating Out With Baby
Spitting Up
What it is: Um, you know what this is because you’ve probably been slimed already. Doctors refer to spitting up as “reflux” or GER (gastroesophageal reflux).
Why it’s an issue: The valve that closes the stomach off from the esophagus can be weak in a newborn, so until it gets stronger, baby’s food can easily come back out — especially when he eats too much or too fast.
Spot it: Spitting up is just spitting up, as long as baby seems perfectly content afterward. “Some babies just happen to be more spitty than others,” says Wu, who explains that it’s only a medical problem if baby’s coughing, choking, gagging, turning blue or has poor weight gain, or if it’s intense, projectile vomiting. In those cases, you should take baby to the pediatrician — it could be GERD (see below) and/or require medical treatment.
How to help: Work on prevention. Stop halfway through a feeding (when you switch breasts or he’s drunk half his bottle) and burp baby, so he has extra time to digest and you get excess air out before it gets stuck in there. Then burp him at the end of the feeding too. If you’re having trouble getting the burp out, try some different positions, says Wu. “Lean him forward, or lay him on his side, patting him on his side,” she says. “You can also lie him on his stomach to pat his back.” Also try keeping baby upright for about 20 minutes after the feeding, while he’s digesting.

posted by Davidblogger50 at 12:39


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