Monday 14 July 2014

How To Best Humor In Your Articles To Make Them More Appealing!

How To Best Humor In Your Articles To Make Them More Appealing!

 Some of the best writing tools a person can have to make an article more entertaining would be using the tools of humor and comedy. Being able to use these things effectively will make any article a lot more interesting to read and more human. By using some humor in your article you can even bolster your quality and enhance it. However, this can be kind of hard to pull off. There are though some ways in which you can get humor into your articles without coming off as ridiculous.
The most important thing that you need to understand is that the article has to be right for humor. You need to figure out whether or not the piece can afford to have some humor added to it. For instance, if your article happens to be about the ineptitude of airport security then it would be quite alright to add some humor in the article. But, if it should be about the reasons and justifications for the need for airport security you might want to lay off of the humor. You need to remember that we should always try to find the humor in everything there are still subjects in this world that people still are not ready to laugh about.

Exaggerate! This is always a great way to make an article funny, especially if you are including something about a friend or family member in your article. If they have done something in life that is funny and relates to your story then include what they did or said and exaggerate about it. Exaggeration is one of the best ways to express humor. Showing humanity as it is, is being honest but it also allows people to take a look at themselves and laugh. When you exaggerate things it will eventually lead you to the humor in most things.

Another thing you can do is to take what a friend or family member has said that may have some humor in it and use it in your story. People can say the funniest things when they are in their own natural environments when they feel safe and secure and these things might be wonderful quotes that you can add to your story. Remember, it's not like they can sue you for stealing copyrighted material or anything like that.

 You can also include funny quotes from stand up comics or even comedy shows from television. If there is a popular comedy that comes to mind there is no reason why you can't quote something said during a show if it fits what you are talking about in your story. Just make sure you give credit where credit is due and you'll be fine.

When trying to put humor into your articles it is important to note that you don't want to overkill with the comedy. If you try to make everything you write in the article come off funny and you want everyone to be falling off their seats in laughter, more times than not this is not going to happen if you jam in too much humor. Like all good comics, they will have material that is meant to set up the joke and take the audience on a ride to finally get to the heart of the humor. You need to use regular language to lead them to the humor; this way the humor is going to carry more of a punch.

Using extreme or unusual language is going to make things sound funnier. You can use a thesaurus to be able to find funnier words for you to include in your article. For instance using the word ooze is a funnier word than emit, even excrete can probably be used in a funnier manner than even the word ooze. But you get the point. Use extreme words to help to amplify the humor. Cursing is not always the best thing to do, but if something needs a boost a curse word inserted on rare occasion will sometimes humanize the humor more. Just don't have a whole you know what load of them listed in your article.

posted by Davidblogger50 at 15:20


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