Thursday 9 January 2014


                                                       LAWS OF ATTRACTION.

To attract people to you there are certain things that you must possess, project, know and believe in. These laws know no sex, race, religion or cultural background, all it knows is, any mortal within the range of its centrifugal force will be attracted like a powerful magnet.
No matter how you see it, this law is real and it is available to whoever believes in it and knows how to put it to judicious use.
1.       To attract anybody to you, there must be a large deposit of a force inside your central force of attraction, which is your “mind”. Inside your mind lies your self-esteem that is how you see yourself. You must never see yourself in a low and submissive way, if not that central force inside your mind, which controls your self-esteem will not carry enough energy to pull people to you naturally. Work on your self-esteem, feed it with energy, let it burn high, but do not get it burnt, it could lead to over confidence, which most times push people away from you.
2.       Do not build your strength around your looks.Your strength should radiate from inside your subconscious being, where no man or woman can reach. The physical most times never controls or attract the mind, and to attract or pull people to you, you need to connect with their mind. With this you attract people to you with ease.

3.       Equip your intellectual base, load your brain and mind with every necessary and useful data/information at your disposal. With enough and correct information you are not short of what to say, and not just saying something, but saying what can move or pull people  towards you. Get acquitted with the lowest of information, nothing is too low or irrelevant to be ignored; you never know when that information will come in handy.

4.        Identify your weakness; discover your Achilles heel in private, before it exposes you in public. Work on your weakness, be comfortable around it, learn how to cope with it and be ready to receive any form of attack that comes with it. They will use it against you, so identify it and work on it. Don’t be too defensive about it.

5.       Never throw yourself at any one. Be cool and calm, attracting people should come naturally, it must not be forced or bought. Know that what you have inside you is good enough to attract people to you.

6.       Be as natural as possible, avoid faking anything. Let everything that comes from you be as real as the ground you walk on. If you don’t like someone be real about it, and if you do be real about it. Just make sure you are never seen as fake or artificial, it damages lots of things.

7.       Exude confidence in every form and way possible, in your stare, smile, laughter, walk, gestures, handshake, hug, peck, kiss, conversation and so on. The more confident you carry, the faster you win people’s confidence and if you can win their confidence, they come to you naturally.

8.       Never miss use the law of attraction, because it could back fire. It must not be used to cheat, deceive or scam. If you have an ulterior motive for attracting people, then desperation and anxiety sets in when things is not going your way.

9.       Always try to appear as simple, tidy and clean as possible, when going out .Take note of some basic things around your body and what you wear. A well groomed facial hair for a guy, for a lady a well packed and simple hair. Do not go to extreme in dressing up or looking good. Designers do not attract the right people, what does the attraction is how you combine the dress with your charisma and confidence.

10.   Learn how to behave in public, a proper and well organized public etiquette is very important, how you behave in the confines of your room is different from how you behave in the mist of people you are meeting, especially if it’s for the first time.

11.   Learn and know how to talk or engage in a very mature and convivial conversation. Know when to joke, and when to be dead serious. Do not be too rigid when talking, be lively and try not to dabble into a topic you have little knowledge about. That is why it is good to be well read, properly informed and vast in most topics or issues.

12.   Never look down on anyone and never be seen or taken for an arrogant person, it is so repulsive, being a snub won’t do your cause of attraction any good. Be ready to exchange a genuine smile, laughter and joke, with people around you. Do not appear too serious and you must not be taken as an unserious person, try to strike a very good balance. Avoid talking too much, it does not attract people, rather it makes people run from you.

13.   Do not follow the crowd, be unique in everything you do, stand for what you believe in, but do not try to force people to see things your way.

14.   Learn that not everyone will like you, trying to please everyone you meet makes you lose touch with you, and when this happens how do you attract people to a confused you.

15.   Be ready to lead, in case you find yourself in such position. Show it that you want to lead, prove to them that you are not scared of taking responsibility.

16.   Develop an impervious mind, a mind that doesn’t get influenced easily, or moved by what people say. That doesn’t me you shouldn’t take advice or criticism from people, but sieve it, use the good ones and discard the destructive ones. Your mind should at all times be protected, it should be fed with powerful words, and it must not be subjected to the control of anyone.

17.   Work on your gaze; learn how to look into people’s eyes with confidence. A look of confidence attracts people without you saying a word. When you need to look at someone, do not avoid eye contact no matter what your mind or body tells you.

18.   Psyche up yourself, you need to live under a constant natural high, how you do it is up to you. This means your mood must be good at least 16hrs every day, but 24hrs is far better. With a smooth mood, even those who are down will look for you to lift them up and get their groove back on. A good mood is highly infectious; it pulls people to you, because you just lighten them up.

19.   Don’t be clumsy, be calm, cool and calculated, never be lost in your thought when around people, learn to be courteous, don’t be quick to judge, avoid gossips, be trendy and ready to go.

20.   Learn not to allow what you see in the mirror affect you, what you see most times is not really a true reflection of what you carry inside, have this at the back of your mind and you are good to go.

Attracting people all boils down to working on yourself, beating your abilities into something useful, shaping your mind for the world to accept and acknowledge that you carry something inside you.
posted by Davidblogger50 at 12:45


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